
Raymond Peele III
HEIGHT: 5’11”
PROFESSION: Detective First Class, Howard County Police Department
HOMETOWN: Baltimore, Maryland


DFC Peele started his career as a patrol officer from 2011 – 2013 before being promoted to the rank of Detective First Class and shortly after being moved to working undercover in narcotics. In 2015, DFC Peele was assigned to the Violent Traffic Initiative with the DEA as a Task Force Officer. DFC Peele received several accomplishments as a police officer/ detective to include; ASIS 2017 Recipient for Exceptional Performance, Howard County Detective of the Year 2017, American Legion #156: 2013 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, Glenwood Lions Club honoree as 2012 Howard County Police Officer of the Year, Knights of Columbus #4449 honoree as 2012 Howard County Police Officer of the Year, Howard County Police Officer of the Year 2012, and Leadership award Howard County Police 2011

Specialties/Certifications: Certified PBT Operator, Mountain Bike Operator, Assistant Recruiter, and Drug Courtroom Expert

Why is Public Service important to you?

Public service to me means giving back with no expectations of anything in return. Raising your hand and taking an oath to obey the one thing that binds us all together, and that is the Constitutions of the United States of America. There is no greater joy than being able to help those that sometimes can’t defend/ help themselves. That is what public service means to me and why I chose this career. “


High School/Juniors

  • Basketball Player - three year All-County, All- Metro and Honorable Mention McDonald’s All-American.

Post Collegiate/Professional

  • Founder, Rays Rays Volleyball Connection

  • Competitor in 2015 World Police and Fire Games (Los Angeles, CA) - Silver medalist